Bryn Oh, Rose Borchovski and other SL artists Featured in Vogue

Just a quick update on an exciting piece of news for the virtual art world. Bryn Oh just posted on her blog that she and Rose Borchovski were featured in Italian Vogue alongside other SL artists and organizations like the UWA. 

“Well it was weird,” Bryn told me, “someone contacted me from Vogue a few months ago, but it was so informal I didnt really think it was the real Vogue, thought it was SL Vogue or something.” But a Facebook friend informed her today that indeed, she was mentioned in an article on virtual art in Second Life.

Bryn has translated the article rather roughly at her blog, but it gives one the idea of what the article says, and is worth a look.  She also has an opening of her newest exhibit tomorrow, and all the information is posted there as well.

Two other must see art exhibits are Maya Paris’ new exhibit Crash Bang Trollop (the name is as entertaining as the art) at MetaLES; and while the next UWA art challenge isn’t completely installed, there are already a few mesh pieces on display, including a breathtaking ‘marble’ by Pumpkin Tripsa. At just three prims, the stunning level of detail shows the power of mesh, especially when compared with some of the figural prim sculptures displayed nearby.

Pumpkin Tripsa, 'Water', mesh sculpture. Photo by PJ Trenton.

Curator FreeWee Ling says there is more mesh art on the way, so make sure to have a viewer that is enabled when you go over this month!


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